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Free Life Insurance Quotes Thank you for choosing Insuret® -We are dedicated to helping you find the best life insurance policy at the lowest possible price!

Convincing a young person they need life insurance is not always an easy sell. It is also hard to argue that someone in their Golden Years should purchase the protection that only pays off after you are gone. Love and money are almost always a part of the life insurance purchasing decision.

Love Drives us to Do the Right Thing

Would you buy a life-insurance policy and name your mailman or the friendly clerk at the grocery store as a beneficiary? Of course not. As much as you might like your best friend or next-door neighbor, it is not normal to provide coverage for anyone that is not a spouse, child or very close relative. People buy insurance because they feel responsible for their loved ones and want to provide for them when they are no longer around.

Choosing the Right Policy

Once you make the decision to buy life insurance, the next step is to decide whether you want Permanent (Cash Value) insurance or Term insurance. Term is strictly an insurance product while permanent coverage like whole life, variable life and universal life, have both an insurance component and a savings component

Term Policies

Term policies are for a specific period of time like 15 years or 20 years. Monthly premiums remain the same throughout the life of the policy. Premiums are based on risk with the most important factors being age and health. This type of policy offers high amounts of coverage for very affordable prices. The best rates are reserved for non-smoking, young people in their 20s or 30s in good physical condition and with no known health issues.

*Remember to Compare Multiple Quotes for Maximum Savings! ...We've got you covered!

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